Ok, Im such a novice gardener this pic is proof lol. Last year I bough a clematis from Home Depot because they have a one year money back guarantee on their perenials. Ive had clematis before but they died. I decided to just leave this one be because I wasn't sure if I was suppose to cut it back or what, well it looks kind of sad but look there's some new growth going on there, do I cut the old stuff off now? I don't know, Im just so excited that it's got something on it after last year. I might even have to buy some more this year, if I can figure out what to do with this one.
Another asiatic by the fence. Or is it one of the orientals by the shed hmmm.
I think this is my oriental lilies by the shed.
Here's the front of the shed with creeping lemon thyme around the stepping stone that I transplanted last year, Im surprised how much it's spread already, I think I might have to add some more of this to the shed area. You can also see the 2 yellow colored seedums, and the rest is weeds :) I need to add to this part of the bed but dh is suppose to be replacing the little deck which scares me because I can just imagine what the flowers will look like when he's done. Last year he smooshed the seedum, we'll see if it comes back.
Here's a view of the shade side of the shed. All I have there are 3 bleeding hearts that my sister gave me and one tiny hosta. This year's goal is to get more in this part of the bed because once the bleeding hearts are done that's it. I do have a window box, last year's addition and that helps. Maybe I'll plant some impatients or coleus for some color. Id really like to keep perennials in there though.
Another view of the shade side of the shed with my bleeding hearts coming up. This was after I weeded it all. As you can see I have some rain run off problems, not sure what to do about that.
Hey look another lily. I think this one is my oriental by the shed which means the others are all asiatics by the fence. I dunno, at this stage they all look the same LOL. Or maybe it is an asiatic, I thought I cleaned up around the oriental b4 the pic. I dont know Im all confused now lol.
Now this is a day lily that I can't wait to see bloom because I don't think it got any blooms last year. I bought it from someone who was have a perenial sale at their house, they were thining out some of their beds. The other plants are sweet william, something I purchased 2 years ago from a lady out by my work. I didn't think these were gonna do anything but look they're looking pretty good. There should also be some foxglove in this bed from the same lady but Im not sure if it'll come up. The rest of the stuff you see in this pic is weeds :D
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